仁爱英语   七年级 八年级 九年级 中考英语 

新人教数学 七年级 八年级 九年级  中考数学

知  识  改  变  命  运 ,  教  育  成  就  未  来 !



Unit 5 Our School Life

1 I usually come to school by subway.

2 A few students are running around the playground.

3 My school life is very interesting.

Review of Unit 5

Unit 6 Our Local Area

1. There is a study next to my bedroom.

2. My home is in an apartment building.

3. How can I get to the library?

Review of Units 5-6

Unit 7 The Birthday Party

1. When is your birthday?

2. Can you sing an English song?

3. Everyone had a good time.

Review of Unit 7

Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather

1.What's the weather like in summer?

2. The summer holidays are coming.

3. Let's celebrate?

Review of Units 7-8















第二单元U2-T1-SB    第三单元U3-T1-SA 





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